Food Bank Update and Visit to the Mayor's Parlour
"For I was hungry and you gave me food" (Mt 25:35)
Far too many people are living in poverty and the need for food banks has grown tremendously. It could happen to anyone, through illness, loss of job as well as Universal Credit. Some of our parishioners are volunteers at Bloxwich and Blakenall food bank together with volunteers mostly from churches in the area. Many people find it hard to come, but are reassured we are not judgemental. Clients are given light refreshments whilst waiting for their parcel to be done. Useful phone numbers is also given to help them. On Friday 1st of November volunteers had been invited to afternoon tea at Mayor's parlour with Mayor and Mayoress, to which twenty attended. The Mayor Councillor Paul Bott welcomed everyone and thanked the volunteers. For work done saying “In this day and age there shouldn’t be a need for food banks, But until such a time when they are no longer needed he is grateful that we are there for the people in need.” It was interesting to see the mayor’s parlour and the various portraits of past mayors through the years. Angela Wyre |
Canonisation of John Henry Newman in Rome
Father David and many other English pilgrims, including parishioners, were in a sun-drenched St Peter’s Square Pope Francis on Sunday 13th October 2019 as four new saints for the Church along with our own Cardinal Newman from the Archdiocese of Birmingham (1801-1890) were proclaimed. Mother Mariam Theresia (1876-1926) was an Indian mystic and founder of the Congregation of the Holy Family. Margaret Bays (1815-1979) was century Swiss laywoman and stigmatist, who dedicated her life to prayer and service to her parish community without marrying or entering a religious community. Giuseppina Vannini (1858-1911) was a religious sister from Rome known for founding the congregation of the Daughters of St. Camillus dedicated to serving the sick and suffering. Sister Maria Dulce (1914-1992) founded the Charitable Works Foundation of Sister Dulce in 1959, which grew into largest charitable organization in Brazil providing healthcare, welfare, and education services. She was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Pope Francis noted in his homily that 4 of the new saints were women who show us that “the consecrated life is a journey of love to the existential peripheries”. The “existential peripheries” is Pope Francis’ own phrase for those living on the edge of society in precarious poverty. In order to do this we need holiness—the capacity to see another human as a human. Pope Francis concluded his homily by quoting Saint John Henry Newman, who described the holiness of daily life in these words: “The Christian has a deep, silent, hidden peace, which the world sees not... The Christian is cheerful, easy, kind, gentle, courteous, candid, unassuming; has no pretence... with so little that is unusual or striking in his bearing, that he may easily be taken at first sight for an ordinary man”. Pope Francis then said that we can ask God, using John Henry Newman’s hymn “Lead Kindly Light”, to be “kindly lights amid the encircling gloom”. Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman of the Oratory, pray for us. Father David Doran |
Bishop Marcus Stock returned to Saint Peter's for the 150th Anniversary Mass
Report to come soon on the mass
After the mass John Stringer addressed the congregation thanking everyone who made our special day possible.
"I would like to offer on behalf of the Parish a vote of heartfelt gratitude to everyone here. For the Mass and surrounding events to take place a lot of effort, time, resources and skills have been provided by the parishioners of Saint Peter’s. It would be wrong to try and list everyone by name because there were so many involved that someone’s name may be missed.
I would like to thank you all beginning with everyone from Saint Peter’s Choir, the Filipino Choir and the Nigerian Chaplaincy Choir for providing the wonderful music to sing the praises of God. To all the benefactors and donors who have contributed to improve the Church building and allow the team of flower ladies and cleaners to beautify our already treasure of a Church and also tidy the Church grounds. To the Knights of Columba and wardens for directing people and to Saint Peter’s School for supplying the catering and car parking along with Saint John’s Methodist Church. To volunteers who painted the Parish Centre and the Craft Group for decorating the Parish Centre. To the Union of Catholic Mothers and many others who are helping serve the people who have come to celebrate. To all the servers and ministers who have made the liturgy a fitting worship of God. To the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary for their service and prayers. And thank you Bishop Marcus for returning to Saint Peter’s. You are greatly loved for building up our Parish. Finally, thanks be to God for the Catholic Church’s 150 years in Bloxwich. Ubi Petrus, ibi Ecclesia, ibi Deus— where there is Peter, there is the Church, there is God." John Stringer After the 'Vote of Thanks' Angela Wyre, President of the Saint Peter's Foundation of the Union of Catholic Mothers, presented Bishop Marcus with 3 picture-designs of Saint Peter's. Bishop Marcus had the designs commissioned when he was Parish Priest of Saint Peter's and the Church was restored.
Bishop Marcus then blessed the Congregation and the Sacred Ministers and Servers recessed from the Altar, after which Bishop Marcus met the parishioners and visitors.
Bishop Marcus had his photograph taken with the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Filipino Community, The Nigerian Chaplaincy Choir and the Priests and Altar Servers.
Sister Marietta Tonia - Renewal of Vows on the Assumption of Mary
There are many personal events that take place during the year that express our relationship with God through Jesus in the Holy Spirit. This can be the daily prayer of the Church and continued acts of faithful love through the week, the weekly assembly of the people of God as the Church on Sundays, the annual celebration of the deepening connection with God through the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation or the lifelong celebration of Holy Matrimony and renewal of marriage vows on an anniversary. Sr. Marietta Tonia renewed her vows to her Spouse Jesus Christ.
"It was on the Assumption of our Blessed Virgin Mary Body and Soul into Heaven (15th August). A remarkable day to the entire parish who were present at the 10.00am mass presided over by Fr David. On that long awaited day, Sr Marietta Tonia Okoro, a temporal Professed from the Religious Institute of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Christ (IHM), renewed her Religious vows for the third year. Sr Maureen Felicitas Obiorah the delegate of Mother Mary Claude Oguh received her vows in the name of the Church. Sister Mary Nobert Ezenwanne was a witness. At the homily, Fr David pointed out the meaning of Assumption and related it to the renewal of vows, recalling that St Maria Goretti was known as Marietta which means 'little Mary'. He urged the Faithful to emulate the little saint every moment of their lives. Sr Marietta Tonia Okoro was invited, after signing her vows, to kiss the Main Altar where the relics of St Maria Goretti are enshrined. This made a deep impression on her. Indeed! It was absolutely, a day of joy for Sr Marietta Tonia and the entire faithful at large. A mark of evangelization…After that she visited Fr David’s garden where she saw a beautiful apple tree filled with apples and this reminded her that she is an 'apple of God’s eye' (Psalm 17:8)". Sr. Maureen Felicitas IHM |
Father David's Sponsored Climb of Mount Snowdon, Wales
“Majestic!” was the description given by one of the mountaineers as they were climbing Snowdon (Yr Wyddfa in Welsh).
The day (5th August) began at 5.00am getting ready for a 7.00am departure and arrival at the base of the mountain in a picturesque village called Llanberis at 10.00am. The mountains and giant boulders and rocks were impressive and the climb began in sunshine and warmth. The long Llanberis track was followed to the top of the mountain with a stop at Half-Way House for a cup of tea (542 m). Climbing was tough because of the steepness of some of the track and the rock that had to be walked over. The views, however, over Snowdonia were beautiful and kept the climbers on track for the summit (1085 m). The summit was cold and blustery and there was only time for a quick picture before the exposure was too much. Thankfully the whole climb took place in clement weather and the afternoon downpours stayed away. All in all it was a 4 hour climb up, 3.5 hours down, and about 21 km of walking. Arrival back at the presbytery was 9.00pm! A long day but worth it—thank you to everyone who has sponsored and made donations for our 150th Anniversary/Parish Centre redecoration. The next day was the Feast of the Transfiguration where Peter, James and John accompanied Jesus up Mount Tabor (Luke 9:28-36). Climbing a mountain gives a different perspective on what they did! Mountains were the typical places where one encounters the deity—it required a struggle to get there, endurance, solitude and testing of a personal nature. It makes one open to listening to God. The Eucharist, Holy Communion, is described by the Church as “the source and summit of Christian life” (Lumen Gentium 11) because meeting Jesus, our God, involves our struggles, triumphs and speaking and listening with God as we make our journey through this life. Every Sunday we climb a mountain to meet God. Majestic. Father David Doran |
Saint Peter's Parish Centre Redecorations
Over the last 24 months the Parish Hall has had some upgrades - new boiler, new washing machines and an expensive fix of a water leak. Furthermore the hall, meeting room and corridors were looking very 'tired' and worn.
After a few conversations with parishioners it was decided that we could come together as a community, pool our resources and skills and redecorate the Parish Centre. It was an opportune moment as the school holidays had arrived and the use of the Parish Hall was at its minimum. Under the leadership of Adrian Mealey the redecoration took place in two phases. The first phase took 4 days beginning the week of 22nd July and involved painting the Main Hall and Entrance Way. Phase two took place the week beginning August 12th for another 4 days consisting of painting the Corridor Leading to the Church and the Meeting Room. Parishioners came and helped with the painting, the donation of tiles, the tiling, light fitting, the adjustment to the new curtains and hanging of the new curtains. New blinds were purchased for the Main Hall. Saint Paul's First Letter to Timothy says that "The labourer deserves their wages" (1 Tim 5:18) and the decorators had the opportunity to have fish and chips at the end of the evening's painting. A Quiz Night organised by Carol Crowley (10th August) inaugurated the newly painted Main Hall. The transformation of the Parish Centre has pleased many within the Community. There will be a need in the future for further upgrades but the current changes are a fitting enhancement during our 150th birthday celebrations. Thank you to everyone who provided their skills, time and resources. In order to raise money for the redecoration and other necessary renovations to the Church and Presbytery Father David went on a sponsored climb of Mount Snowdon. |
Anniversary Pilgrim Statue
As part of the 150th Anniversary Celebrations, a Statue of Our Lady of Fatima is available to be in your homes for a week. It is called "The Pilgrim Statue" as she makes her way from home to home.
The purpose is to pray for the parish during our anniversary. If you would like to have the Statue with you, please add your details on the sheet provided in the Sacristy. See Sister Norbert for more details. |
Bloxwich and Blakenall Churches Together - Songs of Praise
On 22nd June, the annual Bloxwich and Blakenall Churches together Songs of Praise was held at St . Peter's. St Peter's Choir performed magnificently. The service was well attended and St. Peter's Choir sang magnificently a number of their own motets.
A history of Catholicism was interspersed with the congregational singing (see The Origin of Catholicism and the History of Saint Peter's Church for more). |
The programme was:
Hymn - Give me Jesus (St Peter's Choir)
Hymn - Fill my house unto the fullest (St Peter's choir)
Veni Sancte Spiritus (St Peter's Choir)
Pilgrimage to St. Winifride's Well in Holywell, Flintshire Wales
On Sunday 2nd June, parishioners from St. Peter's and St. Patrick's, Walsall made a pilgrimage to Holywell as part of our 150th Anniversary celebrations. According to legend in 660AD a local woman, Winefride, had a miraculous healing after being killed. Where her head was a spring came forth. It has been a place of pilgrimage since then. Although her relics were translated to Shrewsbury in 1138AD a tiny part of the relic remains and the pilgrims had the opportunity to venerate St. Winifride's relic.
“I think everyone enjoyed themselves at Holywell on Sunday. We were greeted by Fr Roberto Ciardo when we arrived, who showed us to a seated area so that we could all eat our lunch. We then went to St Winifride’s Church were we had Benediction, and after, an opportunity to look around the Church and the magnificent statue of St Winifride in the Side Chapel.The afternoon finished around St Winifride's Well where we all said the Rosary in the gloriious sunshine. Thank you Fr David, Angela Wyre and George Pitt who organised the Pilgrimage.” Christine Humphreys |
Easter Celebrations
Cultural Day Celebration
The cultural day celebration at St Peter’s Parish Church Bloxwich took place on the 17th of February 2019. It was a special event organised for the inauguration of the 150th anniversary of that Church.
The preparation started with the formation of the Committee four months ahead of the time. This Committee comprised of each representative from different Countries that worship at St Peter’s Parish Church. When the Parish Priest, Rev Fr. David Doran and Sister Mary Norbert, introduced the celebration of this event to the members of the committee at the first meeting, it sounded new, but they were eager to see it through. Several meetings were held and each of the representatives communicated the outcome of the meetings to their cultural group. Duties were assigned to difference Cultural groups. The members of the Committee really worked very hard for the success of this Event. Each Country prepared their cultural food and set it up in the Parish Centre before Mass. The readings at mass were proclaimed in Polish, French and Indian languages. The Nigerians led the procession for the exultation of the gospel before it was proclaimed in English by the Parish Priest. The bidding prayers were in Ukrainian for the Pope’s intentions and the needs of the Church, Zambian, for families and Youths, Chinese, for Vocation to the priesthood and religious life, Nigerian, for the progress of the Parish Church, Zimbabwean, for peace in warring Countries and persecuted Christians and English, for the sick and souls in purgatory. The hymns were sung in English, Igbo and Philippines languages. The Nigerians also led the offertory procession, where representatives of the countries carried baskets marked with their Flags, flowers and fruits respectively. The Parish Choir, the drums of the Nigerians and the guitars of the Philippines echoed rhythmically in praise of the living God at the Holy Mass. It was really colourful and spirit-filled and was the first of its type in the history of the Parish. |
After the Holy Mass, people moved into the Pastoral Centre to enjoy the varied cultural dishes. The Parish Priest welcomed and blessed the food. The members of the committee sang the Unity song learnt during the preparatory meetings. Finally, the Parish Priest concluded the occasion with prayer and people left to their homes joyfully. To God be the glory forever Amen. Sister Mary Norbert IHM
Compassion Kitchen - Outreach
The Friends of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters visited the Compassion Kitchen at the Sacred Heart in Stock on Sunday March 24th. After Mass we went to the busy kitchen where between 30-40 people who struggle with 'hunger-poverty' are fed. The volunteers start early on the Sunday morning and the food is mostly donated by Tesco.
The Compassion Kitchen was opened in February 2016 as a result of prayers during the Year of Mercy. Sister Collette IHM, formerly of Saint Peter's in Bloxwich, researched what needed to be done to set up this 'faith-in-action' project. Everything is organised according to Government guidelines. Only fresh food is accepted and nothing is cooked or prepared elsewhere. The people had a 3 course meal, vegetable soup, beef potatoes, carrots and gravy with bread and butter pudding as a desert. They had as much as they could eat. |
Afterwards they had tea and coffee and given sandwiches for their evening meal. Anything left over was given to the Salvation army. Before the people left there was a room with clothes that were free for them to take if they wanted.
The helpers were a lovely team and Saint Peter's joined in helping serve the food and washing up. Sue Kennedy |
Epiphany and the inauguration of our sesquicentenary year
The beginning of the 150th Anniversary was officially started on the Feast of the Epiphany (6th January). At Mass we distributed chalk remembering the visit of the Kings to the Holy Family. The chalk was used to bless our houses as if the Kings visited us. We then wrote above the door: 20+C+M+B+19. The + denotes God’s blessing, CMB refers to the Kings Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar and 2019 our sesquicentenery year. Some interpret CMB to stand for Christus Mansioni Benedicat which translates as 'May Christ Bless this House'. We hope that God will bless this House of the Community of Saint Peter in Bloxwich.
On the Feast of the Epiphany we also read out Pope Francis' Apostolic Blessing for the Parish. In addition 150th Anniversary Prayer cards with a Parish Prayer were given out so that we can pray for the Parish every day of the year. |
"His Holiness Pope Francis unites himself in thanksgiving with the Priest and People of the Parish of Saint Peter, Bloxwich, on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Parish 1869-14th September-2019 and imparts the requested Apostolic Blessing praying that God may continue to bestow His Gifts of Faith, Hope and Love". |
St Peters Catholic Church
208 High Street, Walsall, WS3 3LA Part of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham Registered Charity No. 234216 |
Website by Gabriel Media